Hiatus Explanation...

Hi everyone! I hope y'all are staying safe and healthy during these crazy times πŸŽ” It's been a WHILE since my last blog post (about 4 months I think?), and for that, I apologize. I know I don't have a huge following here since I'm still new and to get popular you probably have to post very frequently (which is hard for a high school senior!) but I will try my best to get better. I actually have like 5 rough drafts of possible posts, I just haven't really had the time to finish them. Lately, I've have had a huge writer's block as well, so that hasn't been helpful☹️ My family and I have been having a very stressful two months; we've decided to move out of state sooner than we planned and there's been a ton of chaos that has followed that decision. Also in the midst of showing our house, our favorite dog, Sugar, passed away. It wasn't totally unexpected because she was 12 years old and had a collapsed trachea (which is common for her specific breed), but it still was shocking and devastating, to say the least.  However, it's been about a couple of months since that happened, so my heart has healed a bit more. But back to my family's move, we're finally living in North Carolina! It was a struggle at first- no one was doing their job, our moving date got pushed back by two weeks, our new house has some things that need to be fixed (which we had NO IDEA about and were basically lied to by the inspector), all this political chaos going around lately, and all that jazz. But if this situation and living in Columbus for most of my life has taught me anything, it's that NOTHING goes as planned for us. (Also that people are selfish jerksπŸ˜‚ but not relevant) One of my favorite faith-related quotes is "Thy Will Be Done" πŸ•†. God has everything in our crazy lives under control, whether we can see change happening or not! You just have to have faith and ♥️ B E L E I V E ♥️.

Anyways... what matters is I'm back now, and I got lots of ideas for future posts! another important thing y'all should know is that I transformed my personal Instagram account into a Christian/faith-based account! I'll probably post more blog posts and definitely be more active on there, so if that interests you give it a follow! It's @god_.is_.within_.her and it's a private account so I can manage all the weirdos, haha but as long as you don't look like a robot and have something Christian in your bio, I accept :). What made me want to do that is because I kept seeing all this darn negativity with the election coming up and BLM invading everyone's screentime, it's been kind of exhausting just trying to keep up. SO I thought maybe I should share my Bible journaling doodles and beautiful writing skills with the world (or at least my followers lol). I also have a second reason; since my last post, I kept meaning to write more on this blog (don't worry I didn't forget about you guys!!), and instead, I kept putting it off. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE writing, it's just that with my ADHD, it can even make fun things for me seem like a chore. That happens a lot when it comes to reading or studying my Bible, and I think that is Satan trying to get to the best of me. The devil likes seeing our weaknesses, like mental health or past pain, and will theoretically poke it with a stick continually. For a lack of a better term, it's almost like pouring salt in our wounds; he WANTS us to stay on our phones, scrolling endlessly through social media and avoid spending time with God. He WANTS us to be lazy and then we feel bad for it later; basically, anything that'll make us feel horrible about ourselves, the devil loves, so please don't give him that satisfaction! God still loves you when you forget to do your devotional; God still loves you when you fall asleep while praying; God still loves you every time you mess up! HE IS THAT GOOD OF A HEAVENLY FATHER AND CREATOR! Do not feed into the devil's lies when he tells you that God is mad at you or doesn't love you anymore- that is SO FAR from the truth, y'all. 

However, just because He loves us that incredibly much, doesn't mean we should be slackers. You're probably wondering, "But how can I strive to be better? How can I break this cycle of laziness and start spending that time worshipping the Lord?", I sometimes catch myself wondering the same exact thing, and I'm still learning how to be better each and every day. Download an app that helps you time-manage or write yourself some reminders to dive into God's word. You could even just doodle while you study! That's what got me into Bible journaling :). Anything you can do that helps you stay focused would be great! Speaking of which, I, myself, should probably study some of my Bible, so I'll say goodbye for now! I have lots of rough draft posts so stay tuned, I will definitely be on here more frequently. Have a blessed evening, y'all!

"When you go through deep waters, I will be with you" ~ Isaiah 43:2πŸŒŠπŸ’™


  1. Don't worry about letting blog readers down! Life happens, and sometimes we need to slow down.
    This was super encouraging, and I'm glad you got to post again! I don't have an Instagram account yet, but am looking forward to seeing more posts on your blog.

    1. Thank you for your support! I will try my best to post just as much on here as i do on IG.. I also will repost some blogs from IG on here so that way everyone will get a chance to read them :) God bless, ~ Charisa


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