Hi Everyone!
Since this is the first post on my brand new blog, I figured I would introduce myself and explain my hopes and goals for this page. My name is Charisa Fetters, I am 16 years old and a junior in high school. The "h" in my name is silent, so it's pronounced KA-RIS-A. The root of it "charis" is biblical greek for God's grace :).I attend an online school since this recent school year had started. I have a BIG passion for Jesus and a heart for helping others. Some of my other passions include music, reading my Bible, writing and journaling, cosmetology, binge-watching tv shows with my mom, animals, and kids (especially those in need). I am apart of my youth group's praise band as a singer. It is one of my absolute favorite things to do, especially bringing glory to God and leading others in worship. A random fact about me is that I have very legit and stubborn food allergies; wheat & milk. My wheat allergy is much worse than my milk allergy. It's definitely hard to cut two of the major food groups out of your diet, but you feel so much better and healthier once you do! Another fun fact about me is that have a huge love for dogs and other animals. In fact, I have 3 dogs at home- Sugar Pie, Bear, and Bella. I've been surrounded by dogs my entire life, and I believe they are very much apart of God's divine creation. All of these interests and passions in my life are mostly what I am going to discuss with you guys.
As I continue to grow and add to this blog, you guys will become more familiar with some of my past positive and negative experiences in life. I suffer from both severe generalized and social anxiety disorders. Having to deal with mental illnesses has really pushed me to rely and put my trust more in God. I decided to start a blog as an outlet for my anxiety and a fun way to showcase my writing skills. My hope is that by sharing some of my experiences, they might be able to help someone who is possibly going through similar situations. Some topics you can expect me to talk about are mental illnesses, bullying and how I've coped with it, high school survival tips, what it's like to have food allergies, and most importantly, Jesus since this is a mainly Christian based site :). I am also not afraid to talk about more controversial topics and my point of view on them. Recently, I have learned to speak up for myself and my POV more. I have been working on relearning not care on what others people think of me, since the only opinion that matters is God's♡.
My main purpose for this blog is to share my experiences and testimony with the world. It does not matter to me how many people actually view or read my blog, I hope to use this as another way to glorify the Lord and lead others to Christ. Even when I am struggling, I am finding ways to cope and continue to do what I love; glorifying our Lord and Savior. I am really looking forward to growing this blog and I pray that the Lord will speak through me to the people who really need it right now. I will try my best to update this blog on a weekly basis (at least once per week)!
"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience" -Colossians 3:12
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