
Showing posts from December, 2020

Mental ABILITY, Not Disability

Hey, y'all! I've kinda been at a writer's block lately with my ADHD, but now, I'm back with another post yay haha ☺️ I figured it was about time to write in-depth about how my mental health has affected not only me but also millions of others. Mental illnesses are often VERY undermined and misunderstood. "Oh it can't be THAT bad, you're just over-exaggerating"  - I have heard that sentence and sentences similar to that way too many times in my short lifetime. However, the people who normally speak to others like that are simply just uneducated and frankly can't mind their own business😂. I mean, if those people knew what kind of pain some suffer from, they would keep their mouth shut. Often times, people bring others down to make themselves feel better (I know, really selfish and cruel right?). Anyways, mental health issues are so much more complex than "psycho" or "crazy". Did you know that there are more than 200 classified fo...

Journal Entry From February 2nd, 2020

Hey y’all! Once again, I apologize for being so inactive... I was actually working on stuff for the first couple of months since my last post!! then i got busy with school and well... my chromebook stopped working :(. So now I am currently writing this intro on my iPad since I owe yall some content! I hate how Blogger doesn’t have an app for apple yet, but I actually do not mind typing this on the safari website. We can make this work!! Anyways, today’s post is something I wrote in the notes section of my phone almost a year ago, back when my anxiety was at an all time HIGH! If you don’t follow my private Christian IG blog ( @god_.is_.within_.her ), then this will be your first time reading it. I promise I am working on more newer content ASAP, but for now enjoy and happy holidays!! “  okay i can’t sleep atm and i am in the mood to talk to y’all about Jesus so enjoyyy :)) here’s the funny thing about anxiety disorders- it tricks you into thinking that you have something even more w...