
Showing posts from April, 2020

✞ He is Risen ✞

Happy Easter everyone! I apologize for how long it's been since I have last posted. I've been in sort of a writer's block :/ . But I am back and just in time for Easter, one of my favorite times of the year! When I was younger, I associated Easter with egg hunts, bunnies, and fun crafts with my mom or one of my grandmas. I actually never believed in the Easter bunny though, my family and I all agreed it took away the true purpose of the holiday. I knew it had something to do with my family's faith, but it wasn't until I got older that I realized just how special this holiday was. On Good Friday, this is one of the darkest times in our history. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was brutally murdered on that old, rugged cross. He paid the ultimate price so we can be free from our sins; He CHOSE to die for us. Do y'all realize just how awesome that is?! Someone loves us so much, that He is willing to sacrifice his life for us so we can live eternally with God in H