What Would Jesus Do? He Would Love First
Have you ever had someone betray your trust? I'm not just talking about some random stranger on the street; an important individual of who you deeply value their opinions. Recently, I have dealt with a ridiculous amount of drama (does anyone else feel like drama just follows them wherever they go??). Anyways, I've had to make some tough decisions that in the end have helped me grow in my relationship with God TREMENDOUSLY. I have learned that you need to pay attention to the red flags people give off; and if you are having trouble deciphering what the right decision is, talk to God! Usually when something feels off or like it probably isn't a bad idea, listen to that! The Lord gave us intuition for a reason... use it! When all else fails... P R A Y . Prayer is honestly one of my favorite things in the world, I know that might sound cheesy, but it’s true. Prayer is one of the many ways we can communicate with God, and any little prayer can have a major impact. And even when...